10 Easy Tips For Improving Organic Search Rankings

10 Easy Tips For Improving Organic Search Rankings

Search engine optimization (SEO), is a process of Improving Organic Search Rankings within search engines and maps. Madd X Media’s San Diego SEO experts share 10 tips to improve your website’s organic search ranking.

1. Finding And Using The Right Keywords

Improving the organic search rankings of your website will be easier if you know the right keywords. It takes some effort to identify keywords that aren’t too competitive. Include keywords relevant to your area and details about the product or service you are selling. Long-tail keywords with five or more words will be easier to target. These keywords are less competitive and can help you rank higher than your competition.

2. Content Is Key

Longer content demonstrates more authority to Google. While writing content posts between 400 and 700 words will help with keywords for searches, longer posts that exceed 1,000 words can help with SEO by showing authority and improving organic google search rankings.

3. Use Original Content

Your content pages should not compete with each other for the same keyword. It is important that your main keywords are not repeated across multiple content pages. The other content pages should be on related topics. When it comes to improving organic search rankings, consider your content as a pyramid with your strongest keyword content page at the top with similar supporting keyword content pages below linking to it for authority.

4. Link Similar Content

You should include internal links to similar content on your website. This will keep customers on your site longer and prove to Google that your site does have authority on the keyword topic. This process of link mapping will take longer, but your website will be trusted more by Google which leads to improved organic search ranking.

5. Good Writing Skills

Professionalism and authority are also demonstrated by creating content that is free from spelling and grammar errors. Use spelling and grammar checks, proofread, and show sources when needed.

6. Get backlinks

For improving your website’s organic search ranking, high-quality backlinks are important to show authority. Google ranks websites that show authority higher. To put it plainly, backlinks are considered a “vote of confidence” from other authoritative sources. The more high-quality “votes” from trusted sources, the more Google will trust your website as an authority and improve your organic search rankings.

7. Always Fix Broken Links

Using tools such as Ahrefs, you can monitor changes to your website. If the address of a page gets changed be sure to fix any links directed to that page.

8. Website Speed Matters For Improving Organic Search Rankings

Potential customers will leave your site if it takes too long to load. Google will notice the bounce rate of visitors and will rank your website lower. Do everything possible to speed up your website’s loading time. Limit the number of fonts, colors, and animations. Also, be sure to compress large image files.

9. Use HTTPS

Google ranks websites higher that have increased security by upgrading from HTTP to HTTPS. Most web hosting platforms automatically do this.

10. Mobile-Friendly Websites

Your website should be responsively designed for desktop and mobile. Make sure that your mobile site is fast and user-friendly. Most people looking for products or services on their mobile devices are ready to buy. Slow mobile website speed will lead to a higher bounce rate and loss of sales.

Madd X Can Help With Improving Organic Search Rankings

San Diego SEO company Madd X Media can help you with all aspects of search engine optimization. Our SEO experts use best practice strategies to improve our client’s organic search engine rankings, website traffic, and customer conversion.

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