Local Citation Listings

Get your business on the top local listings and directories and boost your Google maps rankings!

Did you move, change business names, or get a new phone number?

Let us fix your Local Listing for you!

local listing cleanup

Online Local Listing Services

Local Citation Listings
+ Cleanup Options

A local citation is a listing online that includes the name, address, and phone number (also called the NAP) of a local business.

Our local listing service manually places you in the top directories for your niche and area. This helps get more traffic to your website, more customers for your business, and helps increase your rankings organically and on Google maps! If we find inconsistencies, our cleanup options will get them fixed.

local listings
local listings

What are Local Listings?

Local business directories, websites, apps, and social platforms are all potential sources of citations. Local search engine rankings are impacted by citations, which help Internet users discover local businesses. It is important to have the right basic citations to rank accurately on Google Maps. Businesses can actively manage and control their local citations to be as accurate as possible.

When customers search for local products and services, often times local directories show up in the search results like yelp, yellowpages, trip advisor, and more. 

Why can i do?

Let Us Fix Your Listings!

If you have inconsistent or incorrect citations (local listings) it can hurt your ability to rank – AND send customers to the wrong places!

Why would this happen?

• Your business changes address

• You get a new phone number

• You have variations of your name

• Local aggregators pick up the wrong information and distribute it.

By fixing these incorrect listings with our citation cleanup service, we’ll get your ranking health back to good standing!

Local Citation Listing Management
how we fix local citations
Local Listings

What do you do?

How We Fix Local Citations

Local citation corrections are very important, but are extremely time-consuming. Our team manually reaches out to the directories with the correct information in order to get things corrected.

Multiple manual outreach attempts are usually required. As a result of doing this hundreds of times, we have the process down to a fine art!

How It Works

Check Citations

The first thing you should do is look at how your business listings appear across the internet and to what extent they are accurate. We use an online tool that can check all the important business listings and citations. Then, if any of these are incorrect or missing, we can start the citation cleanup process with them.

Claim Listing

By claiming a listing online, you verify that your business is real and that you have the authority to maintain its presence on the Internet. Verifying your business listing is different in each online local business index with its unique claiming process.

Listing Management

The consistency and accuracy of the business' name, address, and phone number (NAP) across directories and data aggregators are foundational ranking factors of local SEO. You can manage this manually, but if you manage many listings or need to scale, you may need to use an automated solution.

citation check 2

Get Started With A Local Listings Audit

See where your website stands with a low cost audit!

Complete Citation Audit

Before beginning any local SEO campaign, it’s important to know where you stand. If you have any inconsistent or incorrect citations, it could hurt your ability to rank. With our local citation audit, we check:

All NAP Variations: We’ll find any variations of your listings that may be inconsistent.

Existing Correct Citations: We’ll find all your correct citations to avoid duplications.

Incorrect Citations: We’ll find if you have any incorrect citations as a result of a move or incorrect information.

Aggregator Citations: We’ll check the major aggregators to ensure correct data.  

Business Listings Audit

Complete Citation Audit
$ 149
  • NAP Variations Check
  • Existing Correct Citations
  • Incorrect Citations
  • Aggregator Citations

Optimized for impact

Rich Media Citations

Anyone can do plain old directory submissions, but to make them count, we beef them up with geo-tagged photos and videos, plus citations and links from rich media sources.


We create straightforward, whiteboard style video slideshows, with music, pictures and text. These videos are optimized to the fullest extent, including geo-meta data. Then submit these videos to the top video hosting sources, creating high authority, legit links and citations.


Here, you provide us with 10, ideally relevant & branded images. We optimize, upload, and again optimize, including geo-meta data. Then submit these images to the top image hosting sources, creating high authority, legit links and citations.

How It Works

We claim as many local listings and directories where possible and provide detailed instructions for all others that should be verified by the client (some require a phone call for verification or other methods). We deliver a transparent report including all login info.

We’ll perform 2 rounds of manual outreach to create the citations. If there were citations that didn’t respond back to our 2 rounds of manual outreach, you’ll be provided with the email logins we created if you’d like to continue the creation process.

  • Data Backed: Based on 1000s of hours of testing & years of campaigns.
  • Custom Campaigns: Thoughtful, non templated campaigns. We build uniquely for the client’s needs, niche, city. No campaign is ever the same.
  • Clear Reporting: Slick, thorough, transparent reporting.
  • Everything we build, is yours: Profile, logins, etc.
  • Our audit let’s you know what you need to fix to achieve local supremacy.
  • Robust, valuable citations, show Google you mean business.
  • Durable, timeless local ranking strategy.
  • Syncs up perfectly with any organic link building strategy.
Local Listings

Pricing & Packages

Local Listing and directories


+ Full Citation Audit
$ 267
  • 30 Local Directory Citations
  • 5 Photos x 3 Photo Sharing Sites
  • 2 Rounds of Manual Outreach to Create Citations


+ Full Citation Audit
$ 399
  • 30 Local Directory Citations
  • 10 Photos x 3 Photo Sharing Sites
  • 5 Videos Submitted to Video Sharing Sites
  • 2 Rounds of Manual Outreach to Create Citations


+ Full Citation Audit
$ 699
  • 50 Local Directory Citations
  • 10 Photos x 5 Photo Sharing Sites
  • 5 Videos x 5 Video Sharing Sites
  • 5 Social Media Submissions
  • 2 Rounds of Manual Outreach to Create Citations


+ Full Citation Audit
$ 1099
  • 90 Local Directory Citations
  • 10 Photos x 10 Photo Sharing Sites
  • 5 Videos x 10 Video Sharing Sites
  • 15 Social Media Submissions
  • 2 Rounds of Manual Outreach to Create Citations

Local Listing Citation Cleanup

– First we complete a citation audit

– Then we identify all the incorrect information

– We manually reach out to each site

– We monitor the corrections and keep track

– Then we deliver a detailed report of everything!

Local Citation Cleanup

+ Complete Citation Audit
$ 249 Starting At
  • NAP Variations Check
  • Complete Audit Of All Existing Citations
  • Fix 70-90% Citations
  • Provide A Detailed Report

Important Note About Our Local Listing Services

During this campaign, we will impersonate your brand. We’ve tested many outreach templates and we’ve found the best performing template comes from the angle of “working for the company” which is why we do it this way. You may receive additional calls or emails from data aggregators or directories for verification, so it’s important to be on the lookout!

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